Purchasing a vehicle can be an exciting process, but also a stressful one. When it comes down to it, you are not required to do anything other than make a deal with a seller and have the title transferred into your name. However, gathering data with a vehicle history report can be extremely beneficial in order to ensure that you make the right decision.
Just a Few Dollars to Determine Title Branding
If you come across a car you like and you know it looks incredible, you may want to run a salvage and VIN report through a company called instaVIN – sometimes this is all you will need to make a confident purchase. Additionally, this kind of report will tell you the exact specifications of the vehicle at hand, and knowing the exact model can mean the difference between having certain features and not having them. In order to get this report, all you need to do is be willing to spend a minimum of $2.99 for each car you think may be worth buying.
A Cheap Price for Important Details
There are other important details that can help make you feel as confident as possible when it comes to purchasing a vehicle. Getting an entire vehicle history and title report from instaVIN will only cost you $6.99. This is worth every penny based on the amount of information they offer in a matter of seconds. Along with the information you will get from a salvage and VIN check report, you will obtain data on minor accident data, odometer info, active theft data, impound events, towing events, online listing history, and more.
Using Data Obtained to Your Advantage
Once you have acquired all of this information on a vehicle, this should be more than enough to determine whether you should walk away or follow through with further investigation. UsinginstaVIN is a great option for gathering data on a vehicle, as opposed to other vehicle reporting services. Not only are they inexpensive, but their data comes from the most reliable source out there, the NMVTIS (National Motor Vehicle Title Information System).
If you are interested in using instaVIN as a way to save money on vehicle history reports and improve your experience when it comes to shopping for a vehicle, feel free to contact instaVIN for additional information.